Thursday 30 July 2015

Summer Link up - My talent

I am a bit late with linking up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3, but I though, "rather late than never".  So here I am.

This week's topic is My Talent.

This is definitely not a strong topic for me.  There are a lot of hobbies which I enjoy doing, but whether they are talents can be debated :)

After having my first child, I just don't have time to develop talents and focus of activities which I enjoy.

For this reason, I am going to tell you about those 'talents' or rather hobbies (in my case) I can't wait to devote more time to when my youngest goes off to school (that would be next year).

I love creative activities (although I am not necessarily creative).  Embroidery and needlework is one of my favorites!  I did needlework at school and absolutely loved it.  I can sit for hours with my embroidery ring and create something beautiful (off a pattern that is).  I find it so relaxing but can definitely not do it with little sticky fingers around.  This is a Hardanger design which I completed.  I love the simplicity of the white on white.

I also love pottery, but this is not something I can do at home and need to attend a workshop to do as I don't have the resources at home.  I made this little bowl which I use for dips and snacks.  (One can never have enough bowls in your cupboard.)

Baking is something I enjoy filling my time with - not necessarily cooking but baking!  I love baking something really yummy!  Since being at home, I can spend more time in the kitchen, baking for teas and gatherings.  I have also started baking my children's birthday cakes in stead of ordering them.

Maybe my talent is baking WITH my daughter - the amount of time and patience needed should definitely be considered as a talent :)

Here is a recipe we love making together - it is quick and easy and delicious is you like lemony goodness :)

Okay, I think that is enough "non-talents" for now.

Check out some other talents by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Margeaux,

    I second the thought that baking with a child should be considered a talent! Ouf! My son just loves cooking - but it takes us twice as long to cook pancakes in the morning when he helps out! He scares me around the stove - so I am on hyper alert when he is helping me out. It can be so stressful!

    Your embroidery work is so beautiful! I often refer to my hands as having all thumbs... when it comes to fine detailed work, it is really difficult for me!

    Thanks again for linking up!

