Monday 13 July 2015

Weekly Summer Link Up: The Best Trip of My Life

I am so excited to link up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3.  Somewhere along the line I missed the first few weeks - oops, where have I been?  But, none the less, here I am posting about The Best Trip of My Life.

You can see the line up of topics below and follow the Link Up to discover some new bloggers and learn a little more about them.

After thinking about my favorite trips, one stood out as being the absolute best and I would visit the location again in a heart beat.

A little background on my situation at the time may give you an idea why it was such a wonderful, perfectly-timed trip.

When Megan was born, she let us all know who was boss immediately!  She slept when she felt like it (three times a day for 20 minutes) and scheduled colicy crying times from 5pm til 11pm at night.  I was exhausted (as all new mothers are), sleep deprived, starving myself (as there was never a good opportunity to eat a proper meal) and desperately needed a proper, uninterrupted shower.

When she was 4 months old my dad suggested a trip to Mauritius (like I felt like that in the state that I was in).

After a lot of persuasion, my little family of three joined may parents on a week long Club Med All-Included vacation to Mauritius.  Below you can see Megan as we wait for our flight.

And WOW is all I can say!

I had round-the-clock baby sitters to look after Megan while I spent some quality time with my husband watching evening shows (after I caught up on some sleep).

Megan was not mobile yet so we took the play gym with and she lay and kicked on the beach while I could read a book.

We did not have to go anywhere, or do anything!  (Here I am just sitting with a sleeping baby - what a pleasure!  My book is also there somewhere.)

Meals were constant so we could grab cooked food at practically any time of the day.  I could finish my meals!
I could push her, in her pushchair, around the beautiful gardens for hours, in a relaxed environment, until she drifted off to sleep.

She actually slept at night (probably from all the fresh air) and therefore was peaceful during the day.

Ooo, and I also went parasailing!

Now this might seem like a boring trip and almost a waste of money (as we just vegged the entire time at the pool, in the gardens and on the beach), but to me it was the perfect trip!

Now whether I would have the same relaxing experience with a 5 year old and a toddler who can't swim - I don't think so - but that does not mean that I would not jump at a similar trip again.

I hope you enjoyed my little story.  I would love to hear about some of your experiences :)

Remember to click the image below to read about other The Best Trip of my Life stories.


  1. I loved reading this! It's so nice to travel with babies before they get mobile! ;) I'm glad you were able to have that wonderful trip and it sounds like it was just what you needed at the time!
    Sra. Cruz

  2. Thanks! Yes, once they start moving it is a different ball game :)

  3. Wow this looks absolutely perfect! It's so funny I had never heard of Mauritius until just last week when I was reading the book Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (an AMAZING book by the way!!). I'm sure you enjoyed that peaceful time with your little one :)


    1. And yet Mauritius is a common vacation destination for us :) After reading these vacation posts, I have learnt a lot about destinations in America which I did not know existed. I have read Me Before You and it is a beautiful book. Be sure to read The Girl You Left Behind also by Jojo Moyes (if you haven't done so already). I have only read the two and absolutely loved them.

  4. Every new Mom needs an all-inclusive with family trip! I've heard a lot about Mauritius from my friends and your pictures do not disappoint :-) I can't believe you went parasailing! #brave

    1. Mauritius is beautiful, but I think a bit out of your way :) Parasailing was a lot of fun, I felt like a bird!

  5. Hi Margaux,

    I am so happy that you were able to participate in my linky party! Hopefully you'll be able to join up again and again throughout the summer!

    There is NO SHAME in an all inclusive! I've only been to one and I would so do it again! The whole point is to be able to relax and it looks like you totally took advantage of that! No cooking, no cleaning, no schedule for 1 week? Sounds pretty sweet to me!


    1. When you put it like that, I think I need to go again :) (for a few weeks)

      Thanks for the lovely idea for a link up - I am loving reading everyone's stories.

  6. What fun! A relaxing vacation is the best kind. I think you were very brave to take a baby on vacation! ;)
    Kim from Elementary Antics

    1. I also thought, at the time, that I was being brave but it turned out to be the best. So much so that when my son was born we went on another vacation when he was 2 months old. It was also to a resort with my parents so we did not have to do anything other than relax.

      I would definitely recommend a vacation with a baby that is not mobile (not sure about a touring vacation though). :)

  7. That sounds like a fabulous trip! My fiance and I are going to Cancun this week and i'm pretty sure you described everything we are going to do!
