Tuesday 11 August 2015

Summer Link up - My Favorite Website

What a difficult topic for this week's Summer Link up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3.

It's not that it is difficult as such, but more challenging to choose ONE FAVORITE Website!  The options are endless!

I could talk about my favorite website to use for QR codes and technology, or spelling practice and puzzles or YOU TUBE or informative websites and the list can go on and on.

I have decided to settle on audio children's stories.  One of my favorite audio stories websites is Storyline Online.  If you have not been on this website before, you need to take a look.


There are a variety of stories to choose from (29 if you are counting) and each one is read by a different celebrity.  As they read, the pictures from the book are displayed for students to look at.

Presently, I let my daughter, who is 5, listen to a story when she comes home from school and needs to 'unwind' (and I am busy with my son).  She loves the stories.  I  also used these stories with my second language fifth graders (and even sixth graders), and they thoroughly enjoyed the stories and would listen intently.  We sometimes think that they are too old for picture books and stories such as these, but they enjoy the down time and find it relaxing and enjoyable.

I would also sometimes use these little stories as listening activities.  Students would listen to the story and then answer some questions based on what the story was about.  If you would like the little test/activity on Harry the Dirty Dog, you can grab it here.  If you find it useful, please leave it some love.

I have also started a range with the the other stories presented on this website.  You can find them here.

Head back yo I Heart Grade 3 to discover some other wonderful websites!


  1. I LOVE story line online! I didn't even think of teacher websites! I love Go Noodle too! Do you use Go Noodle in your classroom?
    Flipping into First

  2. Wow Storyline Online is so cool! I wish they had something like that for my big kids in 6th grade :) Awesome post!

