Monday 21 November 2016

Teacher Time Saving Tip 3

Have you ever arranged a parent conference, where it be in person or on the phone, and it seems as though there is no end?  It is so nice to have a good chat to parents about all kinds of things, but it is not so nice when they leave and you realize that for the past hour and a half you have been making small talk when you have a good few piles of grading that needs your attention.

Leave the chit chat to the sports' field or school events if you are on a tight time schedule!

Try to arrange conferences at time when you know time is limited.  Before school, during recess or during the parent's lunch break are all 'restricted' times.  You will get to your point and they will get to their's as both of you know the end is in sight.

Teacher Time Saving Tip 1 will also help to speed conferences along and avoid time being wasted.

Till next week - happy time saving!

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