Sunday 30 August 2015

Adam's Worm Party

I have been absent from blogging for the past week so so because it was Adam's birthday party and despite the many half started posts along the way to fill you in on what I was doing, I was not able to actually finish and post them.  So this is a condensed version containing the basics and then throughout the week I will add more about how I made everything and recipes etc.

The theme this year was Worms.  Adam is only two (I say 'only' with tears in my eyes as I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly!)  and I wanted to do a theme that was not done by one of our 'baby' group friends (we all attend each others parties).  I settled on Worms.  The invitation was such fun to make and it got me stuck into a world of worms!

I had a wonderful time making the birthday cake.  I baked the individual circles in ceramic and glass dishes I found in my cupboard and lined them with baking paper - it worked perfectly!  And I love the outcome!

To think of some eats for a Worm party can be quite a task.  No one wants to eats worms or something that too closely resembles one.

I found this absolutely delicious recipe from Chelsea Winter (you might have come across her name in previous posts).  It is a Glorious Sausage Quiche and I thought that, if positioned properly, the caramelized onions could look like little worms creeping out of the pastry baskets.  I forgot to take a photo of them on the table because they were warming in the oven when I had an opportunity to take photos, but this is a photo of the left overs - there were only four.  They were delicious and were thoroughly enjoyed.  I made them before the time and froze them.  After thawing over night, I popped them in the oven to crisp up.

I also made mini 'worm'dogs and chicken burgers.  Tomato ketchup was put on the side for parents to add if their children wanted.

These 'Stuffed worms'  were a lot of fun to make and children enjoyed the anticipation of finding out what was inside of it.

A delicious Chocolate Cheesecake acted as a 'Wormy mud pie'  Yum - if I do say so myself.  This I too made a week before the party and froze it.

Worm pots is an idea I picked up on Pinterest.  I used an instant chocolate pudding, Oreos and some sugared worms.

I added some 'Juicy worms' in the form of grapes and pineapple.

And then there were these little suckers.  You might not see them in the photo of the table of eats because they were not there.  I found them in the pantry AFTER everyone had left!  It seems every party I throw, I forget to put something out.  One year it was mini jellies, another it was ice creams and this year it was the biscuits I painstakingly rolled, cut and iced (after trying two recipes and making my own cutter.) Have you done the same? I'd love to hear about it in the comments section.  Then maybe I won't feel so bad :)

Well, that was it.  Stay tuned for the rest of the posts on the party actvities, recipes and How Tos.

I hoped you enjoyed these ideas and they offer you some inspiration for your parties in the future.

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